Husker Splash Club to Host "Huskers 2 Omaha"Husker Splash Club to Host "Huskers 2 Omaha"
Swimming and Diving

Husker Splash Club to Host "Huskers 2 Omaha"

The Husker Splash Club is inviting all <?xml:namespace prefix="st1" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"?>Nebraska swimming alumni and supporters to Omaha during the week of June 29-July 6 for the U.S. Olympic Swimming Trials at the QwestCenter. The opportunity to see former Husker great Lauren Bailey and current Nebraska junior Mariah Hutchinson, in addition to Olympic gold medalists Michael Phelps and Amanda Beard is a unique event for sports fans across the United States.<?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"?>


As a supporter of the Nebraska Swim family, the Husker Splash Club and Sapp Bros. Petroleum, Inc. is planning to host “Huskers 2 Omaha” - a Booster Club event prior to the finals on Saturday, July 5. Nebraska head coach Pablo Morales will provide insight as to the progress of the varied events taking place at and during the trials, with other celebrity guests in attendance and light hors d’oeuvres and beverages being served.


Arrangements have been made with JaB Productions to host the function at the historic BeebeRunyanBuilding, located on 9th & Dodge streets. This is within walking distance of the QwestCenter and will be open from 2-6 p.m. This exclusive event is open to all ages. To best judge the hospitality number, please fill out the attached form and send to the following address by June 27.


Nebraska Athletic Development Office

Swimming Olympic Trial Questionnaire

One Memorial Stadium

Lincoln, NE68588-155


The cost of admittance is included to members already in the Husker Splash Club. If you are not a member, please include payment with the enclosed brochure (minimum donation $40) and your reservation.


Any questions should be addressed to the Nebraska Athletic Development Office by calling (402) 472-2367.