Paige Hubl Q&APaige Hubl Q&A

Paige Hubl Q&A

Favorite TV show as a kid: Full House 

Favorite pro team: LA Galaxy (Major League Soccer)

Favorite sports movie: Remember the Titans 

Favorite meal: My mom's chicken enchiladas 

Favorite vegetable: Broccoli 

Favorite workout song: Anything by Rihanna 

Favorite class you've taken: Calculus 

What you would do with a time machine: Go to the medieval times 

Celebrity crush: Charlie Hunnam

Something a lot of fans wouldn't know about you: I have a hunting license

When you're not competing, you like to: Doodle and sleep

Superpower you wish you had: I wish I could fly

Pregame rituals:  I listen to two specific songs

Best friend on the team: Lauren Cook

Best athlete you've competed against: Jordan Larson 

Why you chose Nebraska: To be challenged everyday 

Best thing about Nebraska: My family is here, it's my home

What you want to do after college: Travel and start my life