PEO Overview

Mission Statement: Provide unmatched educational experiences to recent letterwinner graduates, increasing their marketability, personal development and intellectual growth.

Program Summary: PEO provides letterwinner alumni a one-semester scholarship, valued up to $7,500, to apply toward an internship, study abroad experience, graduate school, or entrepreneur endeavor. Eligible letterwinner alumni, who fulfill all program requirements, will have up to three years from the time of graduation or exhaustion of eligibility, whichever occurs latest, to participate in this program.

Eligibility / Requirements:

In order to participate in and receive funding for a PEO experience, student-athletes must meet the following criteria on or after December 19, 2015:

  • Earn a Scholar-Athlete Ring;
  • Graduate from UNL;
  • Exhaust athletic eligibility at UNL;
  • Be in good standing with the University and the Athletic Department at time of application for PEO funding;
  • Receive an internship, study abroad or graduate school acceptance offer, or approval of an entrepreneur endeavor; and
  • Enroll in PEO-related class credit.

*Student-athletes on medically exempt aid who do not meet the outlined program criteria will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

*Additional requirements, not including those above, are listed within each specific PEO experience. 

Please contact Keith Zimmer, Executive Associate AD, or Mya Felder, Life Skills Assistant, with questions.